Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Treak Village

Sojourn resort is located just outside of the main city of Siem Reap in a village called Treak Village. It's quiet and peaceful at night and you have the option of booking a walk with a guide through the village to learn more about everyday life. Da was our guide, an enthusiastic young man who found it quite hilarious that most of the questions he'd ask about things I had the answers to, while Jim was left with a blank look. Most of these questions revolved around what different plants were. I got more points than Jim in this game of Da's, though I think at some point in the end he gave Jim 20 points to trump mine for correctly answering one question. Cheating if you ask me.

Anyways, this tour is great because half the funds go towards funding different projects to either install water filters or to arrange trash removal from houses in the village. You can also donate directly to this cause, and it's great to see the results of this effort in the village itself.

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