Monday, December 1, 2008

Forces of Change

One last photo of the Ice Cave, a moment of solitude in the cave by myself, a moment frozen in time, one that will truly never be the same again.

Icebergs frozen in the sea ice on the route to Cape Evans.The icebreaker ship is on its way here and come January, the sea ice encasing these bergs will break up and blow out to sea, changing the landscape once again

"One cannot divine nor forecast the conditions that will make happiness, one only stumbles upon them by chance, in a lucky hour, at the world's end somewhere, and holds fast to the days."- Willa Cather

Icebergs remind me that there are sometimes forces in your life that you cannot control. Moments that you will find yourself wondering how you got to where you are. You're a part of something that is more than just yourself, and suddenly you feel severed, wandering among a vast sea trying to find your way. You end up feeling stuck, surrounded by something you can't quite control or change, and you spend a lot of time trying to figure out a way around it rather than through it.

The important thing to remember is that like an iceberg, 90 percent of you is below the surface in these times, being contained by forces that you haven't learned to change. That means at some point, when you again come to realize your full potential, you can own the place you have come to be in, change your surroundings, and surge out on your own. While this is really up to you to do, you'll find that there will be people in your life that will help push you through these times. The bonds that will tie you to them become stronger, and you will soon hear only the whispers of the strings breaking that tied you to the place you have left. You will be able to move forward on your own, and become a part of something that is bigger than yourself, and you will be the better for it.

Every once in a while one has to look around and remind themselves how they came to be in the place that they are, and I'm glad that I can feel so fortunate when I reflect on that. To each of you who has helped pull me or push me from the places I was stuck, to those who helped change the landscape of my life, thank you.


brookelmt said...

Okay the iceberg analogy is one of the best I've heard and I'm going to plagarize it (okay maybe I'll give you credit for it) when talking to a couple of people in my life in the next week or so. Thanks! And it was lovely, BTW

Anonymous said...

Stunning photos and terrific writing. I love Willa Cather also.